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Still Life: Majolica Jug with Wildflowers, May 1888
Oil on canvas, 55.0 x 46.0 cm |
The Barnes Foundation |
Field with Flowers near Arles, 1888
Oil on Canvas, 54 X 65 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
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The Sea at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 1888
Oil on canvas, 51 X 64 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
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Street in Saintes-Maries, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 38.3 x 46.1 cm |
Private Collection |
Three White Cottages in Saintes-Maries, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 33.5 x 41.5 cm |
Kunsthaus, ZZrich |
Arles: View from the Wheat Fields, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 73.0 x 54.0 cm |
Musée Rodin |
Le pont de Trinquetaille, June-July 1888
Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm |
Private Collection |
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Canal with Women Washing, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 74.0 x 60.0 cm |
Private Collection |
Farmhouse in Provence, 1888
Oil on canvas, 46.1 x 60.9 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
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Girl with Ruffled Hair ("The Mudlark"), June 1888
Oil on canvas, 35.5 x 24.5 cm |
Musée des Beaux-Arts, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland |
Green Ears of Wheat, June 1888
Oil on canvas
54.0 x 65.0 cm |
Israel Museum, Jerusalem |
The Harvest, 1888
Oil on Canvas, 73 x 92 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
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La Moisson en Provence, June 1888
Pencil, reed pen and brown ink, watercolor and gouache on paper laid down on board, 50.5 x 61 cm |
Private Collection |
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Harvest in Provence, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 50.0 x 60.0 cm |
Israel Museum, Jerusalem |
Wheat stacks in Provence , C. 12 - 13 June 1888
Oil on canvas, 73.0 x 92.5 cm |
Kràller-MZller Museum, Otterlo |
Seascape at Saintes-Maries, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 44.0 x 53.0 cm |
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow |
Seated Zouave, The, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 81.0 x 65.0 cm |
Private Collection |
The Sover, 1888
Oil on canvas, 64 x 80.5 cm |
Kràller-MZller Museum, Otterlo |
Sunset: Wheat Fields Near Arles, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 73.5 x 92.0 cm |
Kunstmuseum Winterthur |
View of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 1 - 3 June 1888
Oil on canvas, 64.0 x 53.0 cm |
Kràller-MZller Museum, Otterlo |
Wheat Field, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 50.0 x 61.0 cm |
P. and N. de Boer Foundation, Amsterdam |
Wheat Field with Sheaves, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 55.2 x 66.6 cm |
Honolulu Academy of Arts |
Wheatfield, 1888
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
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Wheat Fields with Stacks, June 1888
Oil on canvas, 28.5 x 37.0 cm |
Private Collection |
The Zouave, 1888
Oil on Canvas, 65 X 54 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
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Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, 1888
Oil on Canvas, 65 X 81.5 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
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Boats at Saintes-Maries, 1888
Pencil, pen and Indian ink, watercolour on paper with the 'J.Whatman' watermark. 40.4x55.5 cm |
Hermitage Museum |
Rocks with Oak Tree, early July 1888
Oil on canvas, 54.0 x 65.0 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston |
Flowering Garden with Path, July 1888
Oil on canvas, 72.0 x 91.0 cm |
Haags Gemeentemuseum, Hague |
Flowering Garden, July 1888
Oil on canvas, 92.0 x 73.0 cm |
Private Collection |
La Mousmé, 1888
Oil on canvas, 73.3 x 60.3 cm |
National Gallery of Art, Washington |
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Painter on His Way to Work, The, July 1888
Oil on canvas, 48.0 x 44.0 cm |
Destroyed by fire in the Second World War; formerly in the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Magdeburg, Germany |
Sunny Lawn in a Public Park, July 1888
Oil on canvas, 60.5 x 73.5 cm |
Collection Merzbacher, Zurich |
Postman Joseph Roulin, 1888
Oil on canvas, 81.3 x 65.4 cm |
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston |
Portrait of Postman Roulin, 1888
Oil on canvas, 88.3 x 73.0 x 8.3 cm |
Detroit Institute of Arts |
Coal Barges, July 1888
Oil on canvas, 71.0 x 95.0 cm |
Collection Carleton Mitchell, Annapolis, Maryland |
Los descargadores en Arles, 1888
Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm |
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid |
Les roulottes, campement de bohémiens aux environs d'Arles, 1888
Oil on canvas, 45 x 51 |
Musée d'Orsay |
Garden Behind a House, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 63.5 x 52.5 cm |
Private Collection |
Interior of a Restaurant in Arles, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 81.0 cm |
Private Collection |
Interior of the Restaurant Carrel in Arles, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 54.0 x 64.5 cm |
Private Collection |
Shoes, 1888
Oil on canvas, 45.7 x 55.2 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Portrait of Patience Escalier, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 69.0 x 56.0 cm |
Collection Niarchos |
Portrait of a Peasant (Patience Escalier), August 1888
Oil on canvas, 64.1 x 54.6 cm |
Norton Simon Museum |
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Quay with Men Unloading Sand Barges, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 55.1 x 66.2 cm |
Folkwang Museum, Essen |
Railway Carriages, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 45.0 x 50.0 cm |
Fondation Angladon-Dubrujeand, Avignon, France |
Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat, August 1888
Oil on canvas on cardboard, 42.0 x 30.0 cm |
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam |
Still Life: Vase with Five Sunflowers, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 98.0 x 69.0 cm |
Destroyed by fire in the Second World War |
Sunflowers, 1888
Oil on canvas, 92.1 x 73 cm |
National Gallery, London |
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Still Life: Vase with Oleanders, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 56.0 x 36.0 cm |
Location unknown, possibly stolen in 1944 |
Oleanders, 1888
Oil on canvas, 60.3 x 73.7 cm |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Sunflowers, 1888
Oil on canvas, 92,0 x 73,0 cm |
Neue Pinakothek, Munich |
Still Life: Vase with Zinnias, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 64.0 x 49.5 cm |
Private Collection |
Thistles, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 59.0 x 49.0 cm |
Collection Niarchos |
Three Sunflowers in a Vase, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 73.0 x 58.0 cm |
Private Collection |
Two Thistles, August 1888
Oil on canvas, 55.0 x 45.0 cm |
Private Collection |
Terrace of a café at night (Place du Forum) , C. 16 September 1888
Oil on canvas, 81.0 x 65.5 cm |
Kràller-MZller Museum, Otterlo |
Entrance to the Public Park in Arles, September 1888
Oil on canvas, 72.5 x 91.0 cm |
The Phillips Collection |
The green vineyard , C. 3 October 1888
Oil on canvas, 72.0 x 92.0 cm |
Kràller-MZller Museum, Otterlo |